Dr. Hamer to Friends

Zentrum für Neue Medizin (Center for New Medicine) in Austria
Head Dr. med. Ryke Geerd HAMER

Burgau, 4/26/1993

To all
Friends of the Center for New Medicine

Dear Friends!

As you can see from the enclosed copy of the letter to the Austrian Federal President, Dr. Thomas Klestil (German), something almost unbelievable has happened:

The medical officer Dr. Willibald Stangl – although still strongly convinced of his research results and of the correctness of the New Medicine – was forced to withdraw his letters to the medi-cynical faculties of Graz and Tübingen [Feb 8, 1993]. These letters were a call for help and he was threatened with suspension from office if he refused to withdraw the letters! An unprecedented case in the history of medicine. A normal, honest person cannot imagine such cynical misanthropy – and "physicians" are responsible for this.

A high-ranking person has called this the "bankruptcy of orthodox medicynical science". It is obvious now that it is not a matter of misunderstandings or the "Tübingen Syndrome" (=jealousy, arrogance and ignorance), but that it is a crime systematically organised and controlled by "high-ranking personalities". It has only little to do with my person or undiplomatic behavior.

It has been discussed for 12 years in Tübingen and ... in Graz whether such an obviously correct finding may be verified at all – unbelievable! Already in 1986 the legal adviser of the University of Tübingen had secretly told me during the administrative court proceedings in Sigmaringen:

"Dr. Hamer, you can be sure that "our gentlemen" have already verified the NEW MEDICINE 100 times behind closed doors.They have concluded that this is true in every case. If they had found only a single case that was not correct, then you would have been invited to an official verification in Tübingen the very next day".

But such an inhuman holo-slaughter, which has been going on for 12 years now, cannot be pushed through by a few ignorant or unteachable medi-cynical physicians. Only the inhuman Free Moorish Lodges1 (*Free Masonic Lodges) can do that. Only they have the power to do that.

A brief opposite example:
A female doctor from Bonn apparently observed that "St. John's wort is effective against AIDS". She published this hypothesis. Immediately 5 universities agreed to test in long-term studies whether this (totally absurd) hypothesis could be helpful against the (fake) disease AIDS.

Dr. Stangl has written to the Medical Association in Graz:

"If there is anything absurd about the NEW MEDICINE, then it is the fact that it is not allowed to test and verify it officially and scientifically."

The suppression of the NEW MEDICINE is happening in such a systematic, organised and deliberately brutal way, using even methods of worst psycho-terror, that all of you can understand that this is not happening by chance.

Why do they insist so much on continuing the current brutal bleeding out, poisoning, maiming and morphine "therapy" that basically kills all patients? Their aim is apparently to have total power and control over people, to be able to eliminate each and every one of us at any time in any "hospital" (or should we say "optional execution house for ill people"?) silently and without mercy, while according to the NEW MEDICINE almost every patient could survive.

My friends, I swear by all that is sacred to me that I am guided only by honest thoughts and by concern for all of you when I ask you: please join in, write letters to everyone. It is your democratic right to take to the streets for this – your own! – concern.

It is about you! You might be the victims of this gruesome holo-slaughter of the Free Moorish Lodges1 the day after tomorrow. Maybe it is the very last opportunity to defend yourselves! Please, join in and help!!!

We will wait another 4 weeks to see if President Klestil can do something for us. After that, the Center for NEW MEDICINE will send you a standard letter, so that you can contact your respective public prosecutor's office.

Your Dr. Hamer,
in worry

1 - (transl. note*) In German Mauren means Moors, Maurer means Mason. Dr. Hamer says that the term was originally "Freemoors". Together with the Moors, who converted to Islam, there was a flood of Jewish immigration to Spain from North Africa and the Middle East ("Spanish Jews"), who later settled all over Europe.

Translated by El Glauner