Verification Munich

Certified copy

Protocol of the Medical Conference on 4-5 March 1989


On 4 and 5 March 1989, a joint review of the reproducibility of the IRON RULE OF CANCER was conducted in Munich by the doctors listed below.

A total of 27 patients were examined and each individual case was documented in detail. The explicit purpose of the examination was to determine whether all clinical pictures and courses of disease of these patients, who had cancer and so-called cancer equivalents, had clearly followed the IRON RULE OF CANCER.

This was clearly the case on all 3 levels, the psyche level, which could be clarified by the patients present (conflict anamnesis), the brain level, which could be clarified by the brain CT images present and the organ level, which was secured by the X-ray photographs and clinical findings present.

Dr. Hamer had not previously known the patients presented to him.

The correlations were conclusive.

Dr. med. Ina v. Foris
Dr. Christiane May
Dr. med. Renate Wackernagel
Dr. Peter Wackernagel
Dr. med. Thomas Ertner
Dr. Petra Marialke-Kandaouroff
Dr. med. Christian Helmrich
Dr. med. Michael Roschger
Dr. med. Rainer Etzei
Dr. med. Tanchette Marc
Dr. Bernardino Bianchi
Dr. med. Gertrud May
Dr. Rosemarie May
Dr. med. Walter Kaphahn
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Notary: Dr. Helmut Wirner

Translated by Ela Faulkner