Dean Voigt to Dr. Waller and Dr. Schrage

Prof. Dr. K. Voigt

To the Gentlemen
Prof. Dr. H.-D. Waller, Medical Clinic
Prof. Dr. R. Schrage, Gynaecological Hospital of the University of Tübingen
7400 Tübingen

December 14, 1981

Dear colleagues,

Dr. med. Geerd Hamer submitted a so far unpublished paper to our faculty "as a habilitation thesis for a habilitation in the subject of internal medicine" and informed us that a bibliography would be supplied later. The topic of the thesis is: "The HAMER-SYNDROME, named after DIRK Geerd Hamer, and the Iron Rule of Cancer".

After discussion at the meeting of our habilitation committee on 12/08/1981, you were entrusted to prepare an expert opinion on this thesis, and I would also like to ask you to comment on whether the form, methodology, content and results of this thesis meets the requirements of a habilitation thesis.

As I only have one copy of the paper, I am sending it first to Mr Schrage. I will send the "short version" to both gentlemen.

I would like to thank you in advance for your efforts, and remain

With kind regards
Prof.Dr. K. Voigt

Translated by El Glauner